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Screen sharing with Mac users through ConnectWise Control

  1. Go to and type in the code that the Help Desk Technician gives you.

TIP: If you get a login page instead, click on the cheetah head in the upper left-hand corner. It will go to the “Join with a code” page.


2. If it is your first time using this service, download the app. The following steps from 3 - 5 are for the download app option. If you have used it before, you can just launch the app and go to step 6.


3. Click Allow


4. Click on the ConnectWise Control Client icon in the bottom right-hand corner.


5. Click open.


6. Click Ok


7. Click Open System Preferences

TIP: If you click Deny, it will deny us access and we will not be able to see anything on your screen. Please go to step 10 - 13 to allow us access.


8. Click on the checkmark next to ConnectWise Control Client to enable it


9. Click Later

TIP: If you click quit now it will exit out of ConnectWise Control, and we will need to start the process over.


10.  Search for system preferences from the top right-hand corner


11.  Open system Preferences and click on Security and Privacy


12.  In Security and Privacy find Screen Recording


13.  In Screen Recording, click the check mark next to ConnectWise Control Client to enable it


14.  After that, we should be able to see everything on your screen.

15.  To allow us to take control of your screen, you will need to go to Accessibility. Here, you will need to click on the lock in the bottom left-hand corner and put in your computer login. Next, click on the check mark next to ConnectWise Control Client to enable it.


16.  Once you enable it, we will have access to control the mouse on your computer.

17.  After we are done with our call, the Help Desk Technician will disconnect from your computer. Afterwards, you can go back through your settings to disable the ConnectWise Control Client settings.


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