
NOTE: Instructions created for Windows 10

NOTE: Instructions created for Windows 10

To access the NTC network you will need to connect to the network with the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client.

AnyConnect Instructions for a Windows PC

TIP: You must be connected to your home Wi-Fi/wireless to utilize Cisco Secure Client.

1. Open the start menu and locate the Cisco Secure Client application in the start menu and click on it.

2. Locate the following application window.

3. Enter in the textbox and click Connect.

4. Enter your NTC student email address and click on Next.

5. Enter your password and click Sign in.

TIP: This is the same username and password used for email, Canvas, or MyNTC.

6. After you enter your login information, it should successfully connect you to the Cisco Secure Client VPN. You may now connect to NTC resources as you would on campus.

TIP: To disconnect, right click the icon in the task bar and choose Disconnect. Otherwise, it will disconnect when you shut down or restart your computer.

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