How do I enter grades as a Dual Credit instructor?

These instructions are for Dual Credit instructors only. If you are an NTC instructor do not proceed with these instructions!

Instructors teaching dual credit courses are required to enter final grades through their MyNTC account by February 1st for the fall semester ending courses and June 20th for spring semester ending courses.


  1. Log into the MyNTC website.
    TIP: Your NTC username ends in
    This is also the same username and password you use to log into your NTC email or NTC Canvas.

  2. Select the NTC Faculty Homepage from the dropdown menu located at the top center of the page.


  3. Click on the Faculty Center


  4. Verify you have the correct term selected. If not, click the Change Term button and select the correct
    term. You should see all courses you are the instructor for listed in the My Teaching Schedule section.


  5. Select the course for which you want to add grades by clicking the grade roster icon.


  6. Click the dropdown arrow next to the student you wish to enter a grade. When the grade(s) have been entered please click Save.

For dual credit courses please use the following grades only (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, AU). The “AU” grade should be used for students who have withdrawn or completed the course at a “D” or “F” (failing) level. Please use the grading scale found in Simple Syllabus for your course when determining the appropriate grade for your students. If the student didn’t show up for class please also give them an AU.

TIP: You do not have to enter all grades at the same time. You can enter grades for select students, click save, and return later to enter the remaining grades.