Staff Using Cisco Secure Client VPN on an NTC Laptop

Instructions created for Windows 10

TIP: You must be connected to your home Wi-Fi/wireless to utilize Cisco AnyConnect

1. Open the start menu and locate the Cisco Secure Client application in the start menu and click on it.

2. Locate the following application window

3. Enter in the textbox and click Connect

4. Enter your NTC email address and click on Next.

5. Enter your password and click Sign in.

TIP: This is the same username and password used for email, Canvas, or MyNTC.


Additional Tips:

You now have access your network drives (H and S) as you would on campus.

  1. Double click the This PC icon on the desktop, or the File Explorer button on your taskbar.

2. Click on the dropdown option next to This PC

3. Your network drives will be available as shown below.