Student_Microsoft Visio

Student_Microsoft Visio

Please note: these instructions also work for Microsoft Project.

Microsoft Visio is not available for MAC OS.

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools

  2. Once you've logged into Microsoft Azure, click on Download software.


  3. Type Visio in the Search bar


  4. Click on the version you need, click view key and copy it, and click download.

  5. Once it is downloaded, click on the file to open it.

  1. File explorer should open, click on the setup.exe file to open it. If it does not open, go to your downloads folder, and open the project file.

  2. After you click the setup file, Visio will start installing.

  3. Once it is done installing, you can click close.

  4. Go to your Start Menu and open Microsoft Visio. Once it is open, it will ask for your product key. Paste in the key that you copied in step 4.

  5. Microsoft Visio Should be activated now and ready to use!


TIP: To activate the product Click on "View Key" and copy the key to activate the product.
TIP: If you have a 32 bit version of Office installed you will not be able to install this product. Please reach out to the IT Helpdesk for assistance if this occurs.

If you are not seeing the products you need:
Submit a case online at this URL: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/supportrequestform/7a3f017a-c951-7e06-1bd7-64bf7fc202ff Or call: 866-643-9421 Mon – Fri between 5:30 AM PST and 5:30 PM PST
Provide our subscription ID, which is 1203878969. Please ask to have the subscription associated with your account (student email address).

Comments or concerns about this content? We can be reached at https://www.ntc.edu/helpdesk


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