Student_Create Cengage Account

Student_Create Cengage Account

NOTE: You will only need to create your account once.

Support assistance: Having Cengage account trouble?
Cengage Direct Support: 800.354.9706
NTC IT Help Desk: https://www.ntc.edu/help-desk


  1. Navigate to your NTC course in Canvas and locate the student Cengage Module.

  2. Click on Step 3 (or in some cases Step 3A)

  1. Click on Load Step 3

  1. If this is your first time creating a Cengage account, click Create Account.

  2. Click YES

  3. Enter in your NTC student email address and click NEXT
    TIP: Your student email ends in @students.ntc.edu

  4. Enter the information as seen below for account creation and click NEXT


  5. An activation email has been sent to the email address used in step 6.

  1. Sign into your student email account. Navigate to https://www.ntc.edu/students and click on Access Email.

  1. Once logged into your student email account, locate the Cengage email.
    TIP: Not seeing the email? Check your junk folder or verify that your email address used in step 6 is correct.

  1. To activate your Cengage account, click on the ACTIVATE CENGAGE ACCOUNT button, or enter the activation code into the registration page as seen in step 8.

  2. Create a password for Cengage then click SET PASSWORD. Passwords must contain an uppercase and lowercase letter, be over 8 characters, and include a number.

  3. Now that your password has been set, please wait and you will be redirected to Cengage. Close this page and head back to your course in Canvas to start your learning journey!

  4. Congratulations! You have successfully created your Cengage account and it has been linked in Canvas.




Suggestions, comments, or concerns about this content? We can be reached at https://www.ntc.edu/helpdesk.


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