Staff_Schedule Zoom Meetings from Outlook

Staff_Schedule Zoom Meetings from Outlook

Instructions written for Outlook 2021

  1. Open the Outlook application installed on your NTC computer/Laptop
    TIP: You must have the Zoom app and Zoom Outlook plug-in installed to follow these instructions.

  2. Click on the calendar (located in the lower left corner)



  3. Create a new meeting (located at the top of Outlook)


  4. Choose the date and time for your meeting


  5. Click on the Settings button under the Zoom menu option


    TIP: Are you being prompted to log in after clicking settings? Click here for login steps.

 6. Choose your meeting options. We recommend using Generate Automatically under Meeting ID and Require a meeting password or Waiting Room under Security.
TIP: Choosing a security option will prevent unwanted guests from entering your virtual meeting uninvited by guessing your meeting ID.


7. When you are finished click on Add Zoom Meeting.

8. Add your invitees in the Required or Optional fields and when finished click on Send.



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