Staff_Adding Canvas Mobile to iPhone

Staff_Adding Canvas Mobile to iPhone

Instructions created for iOS 13

  1. Navigate to the App store

2. Enter Canvas Teacher in the search bar and select it from the pop-up list.

3. Select GET next to Canvas Teacher

4. Locate the app and tap on it once

5. Tap Find my School

 6. Enter Northcentral Technical College in the search bar and choose Northcentral Technical College – NTC from the pop-up list.

7. When prompted enter your Username and Password.
TIP: This is the same username and password that is used for signing into Canvas and Email.

8. Once logged in tap Add Courses in the Dashboard

9. Choose the courses you wish to display on the dashboard by tapping the star next to the course. To return to the dashboard tap on Done.

10.   You are now viewing all your courses you selected.

TIP: The courses you choose in the app will also appear on the dashboard when you log into Canvas from the web.


The iOS Canvas app requires certain settings to allow your Canvas credentials to be automatically used to view Panopto (Media Library) content. Without these settings enabled, you may see a notice to "click to sign in and play" on content within the Canvas app, and clicking may not bring up the ability to sign in and view the content. Use the following steps to resolve.

  1. Access Settings on your iOS device.

2. Access the app settings for your Canvas app


3. Toggle the setting to Allow Cross-Website Tracking
TIP: When enabled the toggle will be green in color and the toggle will be to the right.

Suggestions, comments, or concerns about this content? We can be reached at https://www.ntc.edu/helpdesk


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