Staff Sending and Receiving NTCSecure Email

Staff Sending and Receiving NTCSecure Email

TIP: This works in the Outlook app and on the Outlook web client.

Sending an NTCSecure Email:


  1. Click new email in the top left-hand corner.

  2. Enter in your contacts on the “to” line.

  3. On the subject line, enter “NTCSecure” then the rest of your subject title.

  4. Fill in the email, then click send.



Receiving an NTCSecure Email as NTC Staff:


  1. When you receive a NTCSecure email through your NTC staff email, you can open it like normal. It will tell you that the email has been encrypted.



Receiving an NTCSecure Email as an outside email:

  1. When you receive an email that is not a NTC email, you will need to click on read the message.

  1. A new page will open and it will ask you to either sign in with google, or sign in with a One-time passcode.

  2. Click sign in with a one-time passcode.

  1. You will receive a new email with a passcode in it. Enter the passcode into the sign-in page.

  1. You can now view the encrypted email.



Suggestions, comments, or concerns about this content? We can be reached at https://www.ntc.edu/helpdesk.


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